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Fifth Grademrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site

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I taught 1st and 5th at Locust Grove Elementary for 3 years. I am a product of Henry County schools. I went to Cotton Indian the first year it opened as a Kindergartener and continued at Cotton Indian until I went to middle school. Since that time, ballroom dance has become a 'tradition' at Quaker Ridge and all of the younger children look forward to this program in 5th grade. Heffner, the teacher-in-charge is also a huge fan of ballroom dance in 5th grade. 'Ballroom Dance is wonderful experience for our 5th grade students at Quaker Ridge.

Fifth Grademrs. Macsmith

Fifth Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site Youtube

Fifth Grademrs. Macsmith
Fifth grade mrs. macsmith

Fifth Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site Youtube

2 Middle School Music‎ > ‎

Fifth and Sixth Grade

Free Video Editing software:

Bass and Treble Clef note names:

Google Presentation

YouTube Video

Creating our own instruments from the Antiquity Era was a fun project and a way for students to apply knowledge learned about the Musical Era in a creative way.
Fifth Grade students show off their home-made instruments after completing presentations
Sixth Grade students show off their home-made instruments after completing presentations

Junior High Music Trivia

The Orchestra
Instruments of the Orchestra
Movie Theme Songs

Movie Themes

After discussing different ways to keep music in our lives after school, the middle school students of SJS are in for a treat. A local host will be a visitor to SJS to discuss the business of Radio! Ms. Ryan's got some sweet connections and has hooked up our very own 'mid-west Ryan Seacrest' to come to St. Joseph School.

Matt Malone graduated from Elk Mound High School in 2005. After receiving his Associate Degree in the Applied Science of Marketing he began working with Maverick Media. He has been heard on stations such as WAXX 104.5, and is currently a radio broadcaster for Today's Best Variety I-94 found at 94.1 FM in the North-West Wisconsin listening area.
Matt can be heard on the I-94 morning show with George, Matt and Teri from 6am-9pm. He hosts his own show from 2pm-7pm on weekdays, and can also be heard on Saturdays from 6am-10am.

Through General Music, students in the fifth and sixth grade classes have been hard at work applying music knowledge to history. Recently we have started working on the Opera William Tell, by Rossini. Focusing on the Finale to the Overture has let us combine music class with other subjects, such as history. Check out our history and form powerpoint below.
In our music courses we have been learning about reading rhythms. Playing a percussion piece called 'I don't like Homework,' was a fun way to get our brains into music-reading mode.

Fifth Grade Mrs. Macsmith's Marvelous Music Site Free

5 – 5:30 p.m.- Ms. Borman's class / 5:45 – 6:15 p.m. Lenard's Please email or return the attendance sheet below to your student's teacher, so we can make sure there are plenty of instruments available for all the participating students and seats for our audience. Username: (your special login name). Password: (your secret password). How to change print roller on ge mac 1200 ecg machine manual instructions.

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